The issue of Domestic Abuse has sadly become more prevalent during this difficult year and has been exacerbated by the lockdown restrictions. It is pleasing to see the Employer Domestic Abuse Covenant (EDAC) established to support Women who need support.  A recent campaign ‘16 Days of Activism’, has highlighted the plight of those women in Society who are confronting Domestic Abuse in their lives. A response is also being awaited for the formal recommendations emerging from the Domestic Abuse Bill.  One of the recommendations from the bill endorses the creation of what is called the Employer Domestic Abuse Covenant (EDAC), which is being delivered by the Sharan Project in partnership with DWP. It is fully supported across Government, and specifically by the Home Office and BEIS, who play lead roles on addressing the issue of Domestic Abuse. The EDAC will look at providing assistance to those women who are looking for positive support in finding work but there will be a wide range of other support measures in place while it also offers Employers an opportunity to really showcase their support in a simple and effective way.

The EDAC will be piloted in London and Essex for a 6 month period before National rollout so we will be welcoming referrals from Women in these areas only during this period. Initial funding for the EDAC pilot has been sourced by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).  The website is now also live and includes an introductory video and links to specific sections. Please visit

Mayday for Men(MfM)
Support is also available to men via the Mayday for Men(MfM) initiative. It is little known fact that 1 in 6 men are victims of domestic abuse too and often find it difficult to find the right avenue to explore for support. Delivered by Mayday Domestic Violence Services(DVS), they provide a range of advice and support to employers on how to broach this issue with employees. More information is available here.