David Cant, a refreshingly pragmatic safety + risk management professional, discusses the importance of following a health and safety process to protect people when removing and replacing mould contaminated plasterboard.
When disturbed mould spores become airborne. Exposure to mould has the potential to cause throat irritation, nasal stuffi ness, eye irritation, cough and wheezing and skin irritation. Operatives with chronic lung diseases are at higher risk and will experience more severe reactions when exposed to mould.
It is important to note that effects on health can vary depending on the type of mould, the level of exposure, and the individual’s sensitivity to mould. People with pre-existing health conditions, such as asthma or a weakened immune system, may be more susceptible to the health hazards of mouldy plasterboard.
In this article we look at control measures and removal procedures. Continue reading here.